Mailed credit card offers carry too much data
Many credit card offers carry an average of 33 different numbers,…
Credit card lenders paid colleges $83.5 million
There were 1,044 lender agreements in 2009, 40 percent of which…
Credit card industry faces uncertainty after federal suits
Credit card issuers American Express, Visa and MasterCard face…
U.S. defaulted credit card debt dropped considerably in September
More consumers were able to successfully pay off their delinquent…
New store accounts could cause problems for holiday shoppers
When shopping for the best deals, many consumers may be enticed…
More seniors delay retirement due to credit card debt
The number of consumers aged 55 and older has risen sharply…
Twitter founder releases portable credit card reader
Dorsey, now the CEO of mobile payment solutions firm Square,…
New technology allows more options when taking on credit card debt
Citibank will begin testing a new type of credit card, one with…
Lenders increase cards issued as consumers improve credit
Americans have successfully cut down their credit card debt…
Obama warns Republicans may repeal credit card protections
Obama has warned voters in a number of states that the sweeping…