Consumers could return to tapping credit card debt in next five years

In the last several years, the nation's top lenders have…

Can misreported credit lead to need for debt relief?

Consumers who are struggling with large amounts of credit card…

Americans happy to deal with credit card debt

When it comes to dealing with the companies that control their…

Credit card debt and other financial concerns still plague many Americans

Though the economy has been steadily improving for more than…

Consumers still not taking on much credit card debt

Though the economy is generally improving and consumers may…

Reading fine print can help consumers, if they can understand

Consumers who want to avoid making serious missteps when it…

Consumers continued to use credit cards more often last year

Americans may now be feeling better about dealing with credit…

Many want to find debt relief, rebuild their credit scores

Millions of consumers across the country are still dealing with…

Americans struggling with credit card debt still slow to forgive lenders

Millions of Americans are still working to find debt relief…

Lenders still targeting college kids with marketing despite laws

In the past few years, a number of laws have been passed to…