Entries by Debtmerica

Debtmerica Relief, Honored as One of the Best Places to Work, Four Years in a Row

Debtmerica, a nationwide provider of debt resolution programs for consumers ranked #25 on the Orange County Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” List. Santa Ana, California (PRWEB) December 12, 2012 Debtmerica, LLC, a negotiated debt resolution firm, makes the Orange County Business Journal’s (OCBJ) Best Places to Work list four years in a row. A […]

Government will now oversee credit reporting

Consumers worried about how their credit rating might affect the costs they face for carrying credit card debt might soon be able to find a bit of relief. The federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will begin overseeing the credit reporting industry on September 30, and therefore help to ensure that Americans only have accurate information […]

Rewards credit cards can be helpful if borrowers are careful

Accounts that grant consumers benefits for taking on credit card debt are growing more popular with borrowers in nearly all income groups. While many experts have noted that rewards credit cards are largely for more affluent consumers, a large number of those in lower income ranges are now using these accounts regularly as well, according […]

Lower delinquency spells broadening credit for subprime borrowers

As the economy continues to improve, many of the nation’s financial risk experts believe lenders will keep broadening credit standards while delinquencies remain in decline. Bank risk professionals now believe that lenders will keep allowing subprime borrowers to take on credit card debt and have more access to auto loans over the next six months, […]

Consumers still reducing credit card debt on time

The rate at which consumers fall behind on their credit card debt payments continues to drop, as do consumers’ balances on those cards. New data from the nation’s six largest credit card lenders shows that delinquency rates dropped once again in the second quarter of the year and could continue to do so for some […]

Consumers getting better handle on credit card debt, other loans

Americans have been able to be far more conscientious about making their bill payments on time and in full in recent months, and that is particularly true when it comes to dealing with their outstanding credit card debt. Consumer delinquencies on credit card bills dipped once again in the first three months of the year, […]

Mobile wallets coming into starker focus

Many companies are working on ways to allow consumers to begin dealing with their credit card debt using their mobile phones instead of swiping their cards in the traditional way, but there may be some way to go when it comes to standardizing this type of purchase. Mobile wallet purchasing platforms are expected to be […]

Lenders willing to extend more credit card financing

Consumers who want more power to deal with credit card debt were likely able to find it last year as a result of slackening underwriting standards for the nation’s largest lenders. Last year, credit qualifications broadened for 35 percent of the 20 major financial institutions that issued credit cards, according to the latest Annual Survey […]

Subprime consumers gaining more access to credit

Consumers who may have had their credit card debt written off as uncollectable in the past might now be able to once again begin borrowing. Data suggests that the extension of new lines of credit, and particularly creditcards, to consumers with subprime credit card ratings has expanded 41 percent in the last year, according to […]

Experts recommend reasonable approach to credit card debt

With millions still struggling with large outstanding balances, consumers who are trying to reduce their credit card debt should do so responsibly by exploring all their available options. Many consumers are now attempting to get out from under their large credit card balances, and experts generally recommend that they do so as responsibly as possible […]