Entries by Debtmerica

Mortgage rates skyrocket as ’09 comes to an end, says Zillow

Consumers looking to consolidate debt by attempting to move into a cheaper house or refinance their mortgage at a lower rate may not like the latest statistics regarding mortgage rates, which shot up at their quickest pace inrecent months during the week ending December 27. According to the Zillow Mortgage Rate Monitor, average interest rate […]

09 holiday spending, says expert

Despite many consumers’ plans to avoid spending money on their credit card this holiday season, new research is showing that restricted lines of credit being implemented by creditors. According to Britt Beemer, the chairman of the polling firm America’s Research Group, restrictions on consumer’s credit lines may be responsible for a decline in sales during […]

Customize gifts online for a personal touch while saving money

As consumers deal with limited funding and other means of debt management that may eliminate the possibility of buying any big-ticket items this year, more may instead look for a personal touch with their presents this season. "With everyone being frugal, giving someone a custom water bottle with a picture of their dog on it […]

Start planning now for a more cost-effective holiday season in 2010

Even for families who had committed to consolidating debt this holiday season, the end of the shopping season may also bring some type of "sticker shock" during the first run-through of finances for the new year. Because of that Kristy Archuleta of Kansas State University’s Institute of Personal Financial Planning Clinic has compiled some tips […]

Couples who pay together, stay together, says a new study

A new study is suggesting that the Great Recession may be acting as a marriage counselor for couples whose relationship are on the rocks and, in some cases, even save the relationship – albeit for financial reasons. According to a recent study released by W. Bradford Wilcox, the director ofthe National Marriage Project at the […]