Minimum credit card payments coming soon to small businesses

In the next few months, many consumers could find that their…

Age is a factor in credit card decision making

As consumers approach and then pass middle age, they are less…

Personal bankruptcies rise for the first time in months

The number of Americans who were forced to file for bankruptcy…

Study shows number of new credit card accounts declined

A new study has found that the national recession has changed…

Debit card use is closely tied to consumers' credit scores

A new study has found that the number of times a consumer uses…

Which is better: charge cards or credit cards?

While they look the same, and many cards bear the logos of major…

FHA announces it will introduce minimum credit score for mortgages it insures

Because it has been hemorrhaging money for months, the Federal…

Credit card companies still finding loopholes in laws

Credit card issuers have lost out on millions in profits as…

Identity theft scam could create credit card debt for power company's customers

Customers of a major power company in Utah are being targeted…

Two senators push for greater protection from the Fed on credit card debt

In recent months, many consumers may have found themselves hit…