Falling credit card debt causing lenders to introduce incentive programs

As more people across the country are paying off their credit…

New requirements for credit report checks worry mortgage lenders

When Fannie Mae announced it would require a second check of…

Consumers with credit card debt get help from new financial reform bill

While many Americans have piled up thousands of dollars' worth…

What your credit score means

Most consumers know that they have a credit score, and many…

Alliance says it wrote off less credit card debt in second quarter

Many credit card companies across the country have seen an increase…

June retail sales fall as consumer spending dips

Sales at retail and food service businesses declined slightly…

Peer-to-peer lending offers help with debt consolidation

Many consumers that have been considering debt consolidation…

Many New Jersey residents face bankruptcy

Millions across the country have faced the possibility of having…

American credit scores sinking all the time

More consumers are seeing their credit scores drop off this…

Consumer spending declines despite holidays

Thanks to worries over the state of the economy, even holiday…