Credit card debt getting worse, despite numbers

All the latest numbers make it look like a success story. Credit…

Consumers can lower their credit card interest rates

With credit card debt mounting and bills piling up, many Americas…

Consumer spending drops in June

Despite the fact that there have been a number of signs that…

ABA: Credit card debt declines in first quarter of 2010

Yet another sign that the American economy is starting to recover…

Jobseekers' credit histories shouldn't be an issue

Many out-of-work Americans who are actively looking for jobs…

How to finance college without drowning in debt

As any consumer who has tried to pay their own or someone else's…

Many consumers putting student loan debt on their credit card

It's not easy to pay for college these days, and more consumers…

Minnesota consumers hurt by inaccurate credit card debt claims

Consumers in Minnesota have recently been victimized because…

Signs a consumer is in over their head

Consumers will, at some point in their lives, pile up some amount…

Study: More people paying down credit card debt

As the economy has recovered in recent months, more Americans…