Consumers may become more cautious about taking on credit card debt

A number of economic factors may lead more consumers to curtail…

Do consumers now prefer travel rewards?

These days, millions of Americans are seeking new types of accounts…

Consumers successfully cutting credit card debt since downturn ended

Consumers have been very conscientious in making sure to reduce…

Americans want to use credit card rewards in summer plans

Millions of Americans are now happily taking on credit card…

Will consumers take on personal credit card debt to make business purchases?

These days, more consumers are making business related purchases…

Consumers still relying heavily on rewards credit cards

Since the end of the recession, many Americans have been shy…

Capital One sees fewer delinquencies, more defaults in April

The way in which consumers handled their credit card debt issued…

CFPB still pushes for heftier credit card disclosures

The federal agency tasked with helping protect consumers from…

Consumers carrying far more credit card debt in March

On a year-over-year basis, the amount of credit card debt carried…

Consumers could return to tapping credit card debt in next five years

In the last several years, the nation's top lenders have…