More credit cards coming with better rewards offers

Major retail chains and credit card issuers alike are boosting…

Starbucks rolls out mobile payment system

Starbucks recently announced the expansion of its Starbucks…

Some parents co-signing on college students' credit cards

Some parents may be co-signing for a college-aged child's…

Personal credit cards may be better for small businesses

Unlike people who own medium or large companies, small business…

Choice between credit and debit can make a difference

Many consumers are now opting to use debit over credit, according…

Credit card balance transfer offers can be tricky

A balance transfer can help consumers get out of credit card…

Mailed credit card offers carry too much data

Many credit card offers carry an average of 33 different numbers,…

Credit card lenders paid colleges $83.5 million

There were 1,044 lender agreements in 2009, 40 percent of which…

Credit card industry faces uncertainty after federal suits

Credit card issuers American Express, Visa and MasterCard face…

U.S. defaulted credit card debt dropped considerably in September

More consumers were able to successfully pay off their delinquent…