Paying off credit card debt stabilizes lending industry
Many credit card companies have seen their businesses become…
Some forget about taxes for debt settlement
Although many consumers may opt for debt settlement when they…
New York investigating college credit card offers
New federal regulations may have been designed to prevent young…
Consumers paid off most credit card debt since March 2009
It seems more consumers have been able to reduce their credit…
Facebook to expand its Credits system
Given how Google's profit increases have ground to a halt in…
Credit card solicitations skyrocket
The number of offers attempting to convince American consumers…
Final credit card rules have taken effect
For several months, various portions of the Credit Card Accountability,…
Delinquency drops a good sign for the economy
Over the past several months, consumers made a more concerted…
Bank of America and Visa to test new smartphone payment plan
Many consumers have expressed a desire to use their smartphone…
Survey finds consumers are more satisfied with credit cards
More Americans are satisfied with the relationship they share…