Reading a credit card statement can help consumers

Many consumers across the country may have noticed that their…

Representative pushing for debit card fee caps

Despite a great deal of resistance, Representative Barney Frank…

As debt consolidation worries ease, credit card companies pump up the mail volumes

The results of a study recently released by Mintel Comperemedia…

New Federal Reserve website could help those in credit card debt

A new website run by the Federal Reserve will serve as a clearinghouse…

Slashed credit card fees could hurt issuers, but help with bill consolidation

In the wake of a successful amendment to the Senate's financial…

New rules for NYC collections agencies could let consumers consolidate debt in peace

While debt collectors are an important part of the consumer…

Interchange fee legislation could deal blow to credit card companies

An amendment to an omnibus financial regulation bill currently…

BEA: State personal income declines in 2009

Spurred by an economy in turmoil and a drop in personal income…

First-time independent tax filers should be aware of the refunds they can qualify for

While tax season is often thought of as a burden by many, those…

Mortgage rates remain unstable midway through March, says Bankrate

Mortgage rates had an unstable week as the threat of increased…