Fed issues new rule proposals regarding gift card fees

The U.S. Federal Reserve has announced a new set of proposed…

Debt settlement more effective than credit counseling, says TASC

In an attempt to prevent the Federal Trade Commission from passing…

Consumer spending declines in September

With conflicting signs of whether spending during the upcoming…

Many Americans not protecting information on their computer

The last thing that anyone facing debt consolidation needs is…

Creditors not implementing new rules until they have to

Politicians lobbying to speed up the implementation date of…

Consumers prefer doing bank business in-person

During financially tough times, many consumers find themselves…

Bank of America to 'test' annual fee on 1% of credit customers

Bank of America (BOA) may have promised not to raise its interest…

Consumers prefer cell phone call in the event of fraud

In the event of a potentially fraudulent purchase, consumers…

Survey: Unemployment has negative effect on mental state

Workers forced into unemployment or a reduced role at their…

Credit card companies get more consumer-friendly

Consumers may get a helping hand with their credit card debt…