Americans want to change financial ways, says survey

Americans are sick of consolidating debt and want to change…

Stimulus has created or saved 650,000 jobs, report says

A new report by the Obama administration estimating that the…

Wal-Mart offers discounted caskets on website

The move by the retail giant may stand to benefit those who…

Shop Goodwill offers good deals for those consolidating debt

For those in debt counseling who want to look for clothing at…

Costco to begin accepting food stamps at all locations nationwide

Appealing to its members who have needed to consolidate debt…

Fewer to be on the road this Thanksgiving, says American Express

One of the busiest travel days of the year may see fewer travelers…

Airlines set discounted rates in place for holiday season

Travelers who are in debt counseling and trying to find a cheap…

Poverty level may be much higher than initially thought

New figures released by the National Academy of Science (NAS)…

Treasury Dept. announces plan to aid affordable housing programs

The U.S. Treasury Department on Friday that it will be providing…

Twenty-three states see unemployment rate rise in September

Jobless workers dealing with credit card debt consolidation…