Is it harder to get rich now than it was in the past?

A new survey finds that Americans find it harder to get rich now than in the past Americans who are struggling through debt counseling and feel that their economic troubles have no end in sight may be able to take solace in knowing they’re not alone and a majority of Americans are finding it difficult to accumulate wealth.

According to a recent survey from, 70 percent of Americans believe it is more difficult to get rich now than it was in the past. Additionally, a majority feel that it will only become harder to get rich in the next 10 years while only 24 percent feel it remain as difficult as it currently is.

Furthermore, 63 percent currently feel they are less than likely to get rich during their life. The main reasons for their lack of wealth were either "job loss or income reduction" or "too many bills and not enough income," each of which was chosen by 27 percent of respondents.

However, according to Julie Bandy, Bankrate’s editor-in-chief, realizing that a life of wealth may not be a given may actually stimulate some to be more responsible with their money and make better financial decisions.

"By recognizing that a windfall isn’t around the corner for most of us, consumers can begin taking real, actionable steps towards making a brighter financial future," she said.