Mississippi lets drivers renew license with credit card

Mississippi lets drivers renew license with credit card. Many consumers may have been frustrated by a trip to the Department of Motor Vehicles in the past, but the state of Mississippi has a new way for them to avoid that hassle.

According to a report in the Pascagoula newspaper the Mississippi Press, every DMV in the state – as well as two county courthouses – now has at least one kiosk that allows consumers to renew their driver’s license in minutes. All the consumer needs to do is swipe their credit card and old license, get their picture taken, and wait for the machine to print out the temporary license. The process takes about two minutes.

"I promised efficiency and convenience when I introduced the first kiosk in December," Stephen Simpson, commissioner of the state’s Department of Public Safety, told the paper. He added that there will be kiosks in more public buildings in the near future.

By adding machines that allow consumers to make payments by taking on credit card debt, Mississippi not only makes the lives of its residents easier, but also generates new revenues.