Entries by Debtmerica

More jobs hiring in the South, says survey

Workers dealing with debt counseling have the best chance at getting hired in the South, while employees in the West have the greatest chance of being laid off from their job, according to a Gallup survey released last week. The Southern region reported the highest percentage of job vacancies in October at 29 percent, a […]

Unemployment insurance claims decline further in October

Consumers who are dealing with debt counseling as a result of the economic downturn received more good news implying that recession may finally be a thing of the past, as initial unemployment claims continued to decline during October. According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report, initial unemployment claims decreased to […]

Debtmerica Honored as One of the “Fastest-Growing Private Companies” in Orange County

Debtmerica Relief, a debt settlement company, ranked #3 on the OCBJ’s List of Fastest-Growing Private Companies in Orange County, CA. Los Angeles November 5, 2009 — Debtmerica, LLC, assisting consumers nationwide with negotiated debt settlement, ranks #3, on the Orange County Business Journal’s (OCBJ) Top 100 list of fastest-growing private companies in Orange County, CA. […]

Employment numbers continue to drop in October, says ADP

A new report has revealed that while employment figures continued to decline into the fourth quarter of 2009, conditions steadily improved in what is likely a positive sign for those worrying about their finances as they consolidate debt. According to ADP’s National Employment Report, nonfarm private employment figures decreased by 203,000 from September to October […]

Americans want to change financial ways, says survey

Americans are sick of consolidating debt and want to change their financial ways, but unsure of how exactly to do so, according to a new survey from a financial advice company. According to the Tigrent 2009 Financial Independence Survey, 61 percent of Americans said they were not comfortable with their current financial situation. However, many […]

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Stimulus has created or saved 650,000 jobs, report says

A new report by the Obama administration estimating that the $787 billion stimulus bill has either created or saved 650,000 jobs this year will come as good news to those in consumer debt counseling and are looking for work. According to the White House report, the positive results were culled from statements submitted by "tens […]

Consumer spending declines in September

With conflicting signs of whether spending during the upcoming holiday season will expand or contract, a new report from the Commerce Department seems to point to the latter. Consumer spending for the month of September declined by 0.5 percent, marking the largest drop in monthly spending seen by the Commerce Department since December 2008. The […]

Many Americans not protecting information on their computer

The last thing that anyone facing debt consolidation needs is a cyber attack from a hacker looking to likely worsen an already poor financial situation. However, a new survey has found that many Americans are not making enough effort to protect the data on their computers from hackers According to a study from the National […]

Creditors not implementing new rules until they have to

Politicians lobbying to speed up the implementation date of the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 to force creditors into action may have a point, as few credit card companies have adjusted to new regulations that will aid those who have been forced into credit card counseling. According to BillShrink.com, issuers have […]